10 questions to choose your heat pump and to organize your work

When deciding to take the step towards reconciling savings and ecology with a heat pump , it is essential to ask the right questions to define your needs and understand the proposals of professionals. Here are the 10 key questions to consider:

Question 1: How well insulated is my home?

Before entering the world of heat pumps, it is crucial to evaluate the state of insulation of your home. A poorly insulated home not only consumes more energy, but also provides less comfort, regardless of the heating system. Reducing energy needs through insulation can be the first step toward a more efficient and economical home.

Question 2: What heating solution do I currently have in my home?

Identifying your existing heating system is essential to determine the most appropriate choice. From boilers to hydronic systems with radiators, every situation can influence the choice between an air-to-water or air-to-air heat pump.

If, for example, your home is heated exclusively with electricity, you can only opt for an aerothermal heat pump, as it is quite expensive to create a hydronic heating network with radiators or underfloor heating in a renovation project.

Question 3: What needs do I want to satisfy?

Heating, cooling, hot water, all three?

Depending on the answer, some heat pumps will be more suitable than others, as we have seen.

  • With an Air/Water heat pump, if you have compatible underfloor heating, it can also be used to cool the house in summer.
  • With an Air/Air heat pump, they are now all reversible, so they can provide heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.

Determining whether you are looking for heating, cooling, hot water or a combination of these factors is crucial to choosing the right heat pump.

Question 4: Do I have a suitable location for the outdoor unit?

The location of the outdoor unit is key to minimizing noise pollution and ensuring optimal heat pump operation.

Whichever type of heat pump you choose, you will need a suitable location to install the outdoor unit. Your installer will be able to advise you on the best location to minimize noise pollution caused by vibrations from the machine during operation.

Here are some tips:

  • Choose an ideal location on the outside wall of a little-traveled room (a garage, a laundry room, i.e., avoid a bedroom).
  • Avoid locations too close to neighbors.
  • Ideally, install the generator on the ground, on a concrete slab provided for this purpose and therefore separate from the wall of your house, rather than on a chair installed on one of the walls (wall-mounted frame for outdoor generator).
  • Check that the installer provides anti-vibration rubber mounts. There are models for floor installation, or chairs (wall racks) that incorporate anti-vibration pads as standard.

 location for the outdoor unit

Question 5: What criteria should I check to ensure that the proposed heat pump is suitable for my situation?

Making sure that the heat pump power and capacity are suitable for your home and needs is essential to ensure comfort and energy savings.


  • Heat pump power: Heat pump power should be matched to your home, considering factors such as location, climate and level of insulation. It is essential that a professional perform the calculation, but you can verify that a proper technical inspection and sizing study has been carried out. A heat pump that is not powerful enough may not provide sufficient comfort, while one that is too powerful may cause excessive energy consumption.
  • Comparison of power ratings: When comparing the power ratings of different heat pumps, be sure to take into account the basic outdoor temperature of your location. Two heat pumps with identical catalog ratings may not provide the same output at low temperatures, which affects the actual performance of the heat pump.
  • Heating water temperature: It is crucial to consider the water temperature required for your radiators or underfloor heating. Each type of heat emitter has different temperature requirements, and the capacity of the heat pump must be adapted accordingly. Check with your installer to verify the heat pump's ability to produce water at the right temperature for your heating needs.


Question 6: Do I have an adequate electricity meter?

A heat pump uses electricity to operate. So you should check that the type of electricity supply you choose is compatible with your meter. For example, if you have a three-phase meter, you will need to choose a heat pump that works with a three-phase supply.

The meter power must also be adequate, as the heat pump will need a lot of power, especially when starting up. For a 100 m² all-electric house, a 12 kVA meter is usually necessary.

Please note that it is possible to change the power or the type of meter if necessary, with possible additional costs.

Question 7: Have the indispensable options been provided for the proper operation of the installation?

Elements such as descaling, decoupling cylinder and proper regulation are essential to optimize the performance and durability of the installation.

Descaling: Before installing an air-to-water heat pump, it is strongly recommended to descale the existing system. This involves flushing the hydraulic system to remove impurities that could damage the new heat pump or affect its performance. The use of an inhibitor product in the circuit water can ensure its quality over time.

Decoupling cylinder: In most renovation projects, it is necessary to add a decoupling cylinder to the system. This component hydraulically separates the primary circuit (of the heat pump) from the secondary circuit (of the heating emitters), allowing each to operate independently under optimal conditions. It also acts as a settling tank to remove impurities and provide greater comfort during defrost cycles.

Regulation: Proper regulation is essential to ensure comfort and optimum performance of the heat pump. It is the installer's responsibility to optimize the regulation settings to suit the specific installation. This may include setting a water law that automatically adjusts the heating water outlet temperature according to the needs and the outdoor temperature. It is also important for the installer to teach the user how to use the thermostat to avoid excessive energy consumption by setting a weekly schedule to avoid wasting energy when not at home or during the night.

Question 8: Is the selected material and installation of recognized quality?

Verifying the quality and certifications of the equipment, as well as the warranty conditions offered, is key to ensure a lasting and effective investment.

You can check if the heat pump has quality certification, such as HP-Keymark or NF PAC or Eurovent. If not, don't bother!

Working with a qualified, RGE-labeled company is crucial to ensure the quality and legality of the work performed.

outdoor installation 

Question 9: Can I receive a grant to install the heat pump?

Although the initial investment may seem high, renovation work will save you a lot of money on your energy bills, make your home more comfortable and add value to your property.

Explore the financial assistance options available. It can significantly reduce costs and make the transition more affordable.

Question 10: Once the installation is complete, what maintenance should be performed?

To ensure that your machine maintains its performance over time and therefore the savings and comfort you expect, maintenance is essential.

For air/air or air/water heat pumps, the servicing frequency for these heating systems has changed as of July 30, 2020. Overhaul is now mandatory every 2 years or less. This rule applies only to models with power ratings between 4 and 70 kW. This measure applies from the first revision. If, for example, your equipment was installed on July 1, 2020, it must be serviced before July 1, 2022.

These are the main points that will be covered during the interview:

  • Checking the general condition of the machine
  • Checking the tightness of the refrigeration circuit
  • Checking the performance of the plant
  • Make the necessary adjustments
  • Clean the system if necessary (filter cleaning in the case of an air/air heat pump, for example).

Ask your installer about maintenance contracts.


When choosing a heat pump and planning its installation, it's critical to ask the right questions and consider several key issues. Assessing the insulation condition of your home, knowing your existing heating system, determining your specific needs and making sure you have a suitable location for the outdoor unit are just a few of the crucial points to consider. In addition, it is important to verify the quality of the equipment, installer certification and explore financial assistance options available. Regular maintenance is also essential to ensure the long-term performance of your heat pump and maintain the desired savings and comfort.


by Hitachi Cooling & Heating